Sri Lanka Tea Board

Ever since the 1880s, Ceylon Tea became the country’s principal and most famous export, forming the backbone of the Sri Lankan economy for many generations. As the industry grew in leaps and bounds, the need to regulate the functions of growing, processing and manufacturing of Tea also arose.

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Sri Lanka Tourism Board

In 1966, the Government decided to develop tourism in a planned and a systematic manner, after identifying the need to set up an institutional framework. The Ceylon Tourist Board and the Ceylon Hotels Corporation were set up duly.

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Export Development Board of Sri Lanka

One of the region’s most vibrant export hubs, Sri Lanka is equally competent in agriculture, manufacturing and service sector. The rest of the world has the opportunity to benefit from the country’s collective competitive advantage through sourcing from Sri Lanka.

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Industrial Development Board

The Industrial Development Board (IDB) is the premier state organization which comes under the Ministry of Industries. We are empowered by Industrial Development Act No.36 of 1969 and entrusted with the responsibility of developing of the Industrial Sector in Sri Lanka.

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National Gem and Jewellery Authority

The NGJA vested with the mandate to Regulate, Develop and Promote the Sri Lankan Gem & Jewellery Industry has today strived to accomplish the commitment conferred in its charter as a premier national institution having recorded the 3rd position in the gross National Export.

For more details visit:

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